Final Farewell to Tripp Zanetis
Here is a summary of the week's events. Check here for updates.
Tuesday, March 27th — Dignified Transfer
West Hampton
- Gabreski Airbase.
- Attending members have to be on the base by 1000 hrs with ID, class "A" uniforms.
- There is a bus leaving the firehouse at 0700.
Funeral Home
- Members assembling at the funeral home must be in class "A" uniforms at 1300 hrs.
- This is the Provenzano Lanza Funeral Home at 43 2nd Avenue.
Wednesday, March 28th — Bunting Ceremony
- There's going to be a ceremony at 1100 hrs at the firehouse. If you're
not working, you're there in class "A" uniforms. Get there early!
- On Wednesday night, consistent with Tripp's wishes, we'll go out to
Rise Bar at 859 9th Avenue. 6-9 p.m.
- Members due in that night should mutual out.
- No Class "A" uniforms for the night out.
- House tee shirt. If the new shirts are ready we wear those otherwise go out in your best "house" tee shirt.
Thursday, March 29th — Funeral
- Members due in for the 9x are detailed to the ceremonial unit for that day. Everyone in class "A" uniforms.
- We must all leave the firehouse by 0900 to get to Washington Square Park and assemble as the honor company.
- Collation to follow at Libation from 3 o'clock to 7 o'clock, for E28/L11
members, the marshalls, and the Zanetis family and friends.
Saturday, March 31st — Funeral Mass for Lt. Raguso
- Time: 11 o'clock.
- Location: St. Joseph's Church, 59 Church Street, Kings Park.